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Virtual Services

For some people, in person training with us isn't possible but they still struggle with their dog and are looking for guidance and support, Real Life Canines' virtual services can help.

I'm happy to offer video calls for coaching support. Talk to me about your dog, your daily life, film your training sessions or situation what prompts the behaviour issues at hand and send it to me- the whole back story and we'll identify the fundamental issues so I can provide a clear and understandable plan to begin working on addressing the issues and rebuilding your relationship. 

Additionally, I have a Patreon library that has video breakdowns of training sessions with my personal dogs, client dogs and instructional and troubleshooting videos for a variety of topics like obedience, confidence building and leash handling. 

5 Year old Coonhound Sparky working environmentals and his nose!

If you're interested in a coaching call, please review our prep sheet so you can get the most out of it and I can give you the best and most accurate information possible.

If you would like to know more about what sets myself apart from other trainers, here is a short article with insight into the difference between them and what I do.

Interested in a consult or in-person evaluation?
Book your evaluation and learn how your dog can benefit!

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