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Private Lessons

When I say "Behaviour first, obedience second." it means that, if you can't walk your dog without them forgetting you're even there, lunging and barking, acting like a woodchipper on a leash- it is a waste of all of our time and your money if we try to work on shaking a paw, conditioning, or even the most basic obedience at that point.


The inappropriate behaviour has to be stopped FIRST. When a dog is in that headspace, it is impossible to communicate and actually teach new skills, behaviour or obedience.

I look at the individual dog in front of me and what their behaviour is telling me in the moment and make my move accordingly. 



Payton is a young Border Collie x

Rough Collie with some big reactivity

that his owner has worked with me

to help with and he has come a long way!

My lessons are different than other trainers and dog classes. There is no set curriculum of "WEEK 1, WEEK 2, WEEK 3 " etc. etc. with cookie cutter approaches and at the end of the program, the issues you have aren't resolved or not even worked on. That's not how Real Life Canines operates. I want the dog and the human to get the most out of each lesson which is why my 4 and 6 lesson packages don't expire for six months and the 8, 10, 12 packages are valid for 12 months from your first lesson. Each lessons is focused on the biggest issues you face and your long term goals. After the lesson, I type up homework with key points for you to help you maintain the training and ensure success. It could be 2 weeks, it could be 2 months till you need another lesson. When you do, I'm available. In that time, if you're struggling with the homework at anytime, you can reach me via phone or email if you have questions. I also have an online video library for clients covering all sorts of information to help you problem solve on your own. Need a video shot to help you with something? Let me know, I'll shoot it, upload and send it to you ASAP. Even after your lessons are finished, I offer support via phone and email. 

As a dog trainer who believes in having ethics, my goal isn't to train your dog.
My first goal is restoring healthy communication between human and dog, next is educating and empowering you with the information, tools and, skills necessary to understand dog communication at a much higher level and feel confident handling Real Life situations with your dog. 

If you would like to know more about what sets myself apart from other trainers, here is a short article with insight into the difference between them and what I do.

Interested in private lessons?
Book your evaluation and learn how your dog can benefit!

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